Hand-washing is crucial to the fight against virus and disease!
For years, with the support of our kind donors, we’ve been funding the installation and repair of water points in rural Kenya that include programs that teach schools and communities how to keep their water sources and homes free of germs, how to make soap, and how to use good health practices. It’s what we do and it is saving lives. But we need to do more to ensure water keeps flowing throughout this crisis.
Now, more than ever, staying on the front lines of this fight today and into the coming months, will save lives. Our mission is to keep water flowing for children and families who need it most.
Without interruption due to Covid-19, we are battling the spread of the virus through this important work. It’s what we’ve been doing for eight years, supporting projects that not only bring clean water to a community but that include programs that focus on sanitation and hygiene education at school and home.
As you know, clean hands and social distancing are the tools we ALL have in this battle. Everyone in the world is fighting the virus and although most of us find it easy to grab some soap and have ready access to clean water, not everyone can.
Now is the best time to join us in support of our neighbors around the globe, just as we’re helping each other at home.